Growing Quality Plants for Superior Performance

About Us
Who are we?
Red Jewel Berry Plants (Red Jewel), formerly Red Jewel Nursery, is a family-owned business which has been supplying high quality strawberry plants to commercial fruit growers across Australia for over 30 years. Red Jewel produces both “leaf on” bare root strawberry runners and strawberry plug plants.
Red Jewel’s bare root nursery is located at Ballandean in southern Queensland and primarily produces “leaf on” short day bare root plants for supply to the winter production regions in South East Queensland.
Red Jewel has established a specialized plug plant operation near Armidale located in the New England Tablelands in northern New South Wales. The isolation from strawberry fruiting regions along with the high elevation and the cooler autumn nights makes this site ideal for the propagation of strawberry plug plants. The site has been developed with a number of protected cropping structures, two climate-controlled Cravo greenhouses and associated processing facilities for the production of strawberry plug plants.
Along with commercial mother-stock, Red Jewel now produces all of its foundation (F1) and foundation increase (F2) plant stock in substrate systems resulting in plants being grown out of the soil, with only the final years production of bare root runners being produced in the soil. This minimizes the risk of soil borne disease infecting the plants and ensures the highest quality of plants are supplied to growers.
Red Jewel is certified under both NIASA (Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia) and ASPAA (Australian Strawberry Propagators Accreditation Authority) accreditation schemes.

Our Business
Red Jewel currently propagates and sells two types of strawberry plants to commercial fruit growers; “leaf on” bare root runners and plug plants.
Leaf on bare root plants are propagated in the soil as per traditional runner production. They are lifted from the growing beds (to remove the soil) with leaves still attached and then processed and shipped to fruit growers in early Autumn.
Red Jewel’s specialized leaf on bare root harvesting process has been developed with a focus on the supply of premium quality plants whilst subjecting the plants to a minimum amount of stress, resulting in improved plant establishment and performance for fruit growers. Red Jewel is the only nursery in Australia that lifts and grades their strawberry runners in the field and at night. Our move to night harvesting during the 2016 harvest season to make use of the cooler conditions emphasizes our commitment to minimising plant stress and producing the best possible plants for our customers.
In 2017, Red Jewel commenced developing a specialized facility to propagate strawberry plug plants for the emerging tabletop and substrate industry. Plug plants are a containerised plant which is already rooted and actively growing in an inert material. Plug plants are preferred for substrate fruiting production systems. Having already established actively growing roots, plug plants can be planted in both soil and substrate systems with little or no overhead water at the time of planting. Generally they will establish faster than a bare root plant due to the reduced transplant stress on the plant.
To maximize the potential benefit of achieving increased yields of early fruit production to the fruit grower, from the 2026 season Red Jewel is offering a new type of plant to the Australian strawberry industry: the Tray Plant. This type of plant is similar to a plug plant in the way it is propagated, however, it is established earlier in the nursery than a plug plant and grown somewhat differently in the nursery stages to produce a larger and more advanced plant at the time of transplanting. Being a more advanced plant, it has the potential to produce more early fruit for the fruit grower.
To differentiate, a fresh plug plant is normally struck in a 50cc to 60cc cell tray and is between 4 and 6 weeks of age with 2 or 3 leaves developed when received by the fruit grower. A Tray plant is struck in a 135cc to 250cc cell and is generally between 8 and 12 weeks of age with 4 to 6 leaves developed. When compared to either a bare root or plug plant, this larger, more advanced type of plant has the effect of decreasing the time normally required from transplanting for the plant to reach the stage of flower development, and consequently fruit production.
The tabletop and substrate fruit production sector of the Australian strawberry production market continues to increase each year as growers move out of the ground and invest in tabletop and protected cropping production systems. Red Jewel is committed to partnering with fruit growers in suppling high quality fresh plants to enable fruit growers to maximise the return from their investment.

Supply and Ordering Timeline
Please note that currently Red Jewel Berry Plants only supplies plants to commercial growers.
Red Jewel Berry Plants propagates plants as per customers’ orders, then harvests and supplies the ordered plants in early Autumn. Key dates for orders and payments for the main Autumn Harvest are summarized below:
Please contact us should you wish to have plants supplied outside the main harvest period.
If you are wanting to order plants for commercial production, please contact us to request an order form.
Date | Action Required |
July/August | Order forms for supply in the following Autumn are distributed. Please contact us should you wish to be placed on our mailing list. |
End of August | Final date by which Order forms and Order deposit will be accepted for confirmed order of Bare-root and Plug or Tray plants for supply in the following Autumn. |
September | Confirmation of order acceptance and planting of nursery fields for production of Bare-root runners and planting of Motherstock for production of tips for Plug or Tray plants. |
February/March | Final confirmation of order and invoicing for supply of plants in Autumn. A Signed Non-Propagation Agreements (for PBR varieties) or Material Transfer Agreements (for non PBR varieties) must be returned before supply of plants. |
March/April | Supply of Plug or Tray plants and Bare-root runners to fruit growers. |
Breeding Programs
Red Jewel is licensed to propagate strawberry varieties from several different breeding programs from around the world.
The Australian Strawberry Breeding Program is a joint program between Hort Innovation and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland (DAFQ). The strawberry varieties released from this program are bred for Australian environments, including temperate, subtropical and Mediterranean-growing regions.
The University of Florida’s Strawberry Breeding program provides varieties specifically bred and selected for the Florida environment. A number of varieties from this breeding program have proven successful in the winter production regions; including Festival and Florida Fortuna. Red Jewel is continuing to import and evaluate new varieties from this breeding program looking for suitable varieties for production in the sub-tropical winter production regions of Australia.
The University of California, Davis strawberry breeding program develops varieties that are suitable for production by growers in California and around the world. Short-day and day-neutral varieties are produced from this program.
The number of daylight hours, along with temperature is key when determining which variety of strawberry plants are suited to your geographic location.
Sub-Tropical Short day varieties do not require significant chill hours and flowers will produce when day lengths are shorter. These varieties are suitable for the subtropical winter production regions or in the spring for the cooler temperate regions.
Day-neutral varieties are mostly indifferent to day length and will produce when temperatures are ideal. These varieties are generally suitable for summer and autumn production in the temperate regions.
Ever-bearers are sensitive to long daylight hours and will produce when days are long and temperatures are ideal. These varieties are suitable for production from late spring to early autumn in geographic areas when temperatures permit.

Short Day